Global Healthcare Resource

Provider Credentialing

Ensure providers meet specified criteria requirements.

Large Volume Provider Enrollment and Credentialing Services

You will save time and money with our verification services. 

Every medical care provider is subject to undergo credentialing services at some point in their career. Medical credentialing services involve verifying practitioners are legally certified to render the care they offer and have all the necessary training to do so. This process is a requirement set forth by organizations including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Without the proper credentials, a medical provider is ineligible for reimbursement from Medicaid and Medicare.

Provider credentialing is a time-consuming process with serious consequences to your bottom line if handled improperly. Let Global verify the skills, training, licensing, and qualifications of medical professionals so you can focus on business growth. 

Our Provider Credentialing Services

For most businesses, outsourced credentialing services are the best method of verifying information. Every medical practice has enough to focus on with running the day-to-day operations, and while credentialing is important, it can easily get swept to the side in favor of patient care.

That is where Global Healthcare Resource comes in. Global works on large-volume projects to verify the following provider credentials:

  • Education and training: Every practitioner starts in school, so that is where we begin our research. We will contact the schools where the practitioner received their undergraduate, graduate, and medical degrees and confirm they took and passed all necessary courses.
  • Residency: Next, we will contact the hospital or location of the provider's residency. We will request information about their studies and ensure the information on their record is correct.
  • Licensing: Our staff will contact any licensing agencies the provider is associated with and confirm their license is valid and in date.
  • Specialty certificates: If the practitioner has any certifications or additional educational experiences, we will verify these have taken place.
  • Qualifications: If there are any other qualifications, we will contact the proper authorities to determine their validity.
  • Career history: Finally, we will go over individual resumes to explore past places of employment, confirming their career path up to the present day.

We maintain several call centers in the Philippines and India that communicate with U.S.-based employers every day. This system gives us the ideal space to complete our provider credentialing services. Once we have gathered and verified the information, we inform the healthcare facility requesting it immediately. From there, they can inform the practitioner and insurance provider of the certifications. Once the practitioner goes through the final approval process, they are officially a credentialed provider and can render care as necessary in the facility.

Learn More About RCM Credentialing Today

Without medical credentialing services, you risk losing out on funds you are owed. Keep it from happening by outsourcing with Global Healthcare Resource. Contact us online to speak with one of our representatives and learn more about our credentialing and revenue cycle management (RCM) processes today.

Let us know a good time to reach out with a call. We respect your time and will keep the conversation brief. 

The integrity of your data is our #1 priority.

SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant.

SOC 2 Type 2 audits determine how well an organization safeguards customer data and how those controls operate over a 9-month (minimum) time frame. Reports are issued by third party auditors who review the following principles: Security, Confidentiality & Availability. Global Healthcare Resource is proudly SOC 2 Type 2 compliant. 



The security principle addresses whether an organization's system is protected (both physically and logically) against unauthorized access.



The availability principle addresses whether the services an organization provides is operating with the type of availability that client's expect.



The confidentiality principle addresses the agreements made with clients in regard to how their information is used, who has access to it and how it's protected.

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